Looking for a reliable commercial pressure washing company? We've built our name through high quality concrete cleaning, too many 'Professional' companies leave giant stripes in the concrete and it ends up looking worse than before. At LKN Pressure Pros we Pre-Treat and Post Treat every concrete cleaning to insure that our high pressure surface cleaner doesn't leave those ugly lines behind us. Give us a call if you have any concrete parking lots, sidewalks, or curbs that you'd like brought back to original glory. We cover the entire Huntersville, Cornelius, Mooresville area and beyond for all things professional pressure washing
Is the outside of your business looking dirty?A commercial soft washing service is the perfect solution. We apply industrial cleaning solutions at an extremely low pressure to ensure every inch of your property is thoroughly cleaned without risking any damage. Trust us to restore the pristine appearance of your business exterior safely and effectively. We've proudly serviced multiple businesses in the Huntersville, Mooresville, Cornelius area
We provide top-notch, streak-free window cleaning services that eliminate organic build-up, leaving your building's windows shining and sparkling like new. If your business has foggy, dirty windows, don't hesitate to reach out. Our unique approach using commercial soft washing ensures a phenomenal result every time. Trust us to restore clarity and brilliance to your windows, enhancing the appearance of your business.
As the new school season approaches, it's crucial to provide a clean and safe environment for our children. We specialize in commercial soft washing of playgrounds, ensuring a hygienic space where kids can play without worries. Our expert services guarantee the highest standards of cleanliness, giving parents and educators peace of mind. Trust us to help create a healthier and safer playground for all children of Mooresville, Huntersville, Cornelius and surrounding all of it's areas
Keep your fleet in top condition with our premium tractor trailer detailing services. We specialize in professional pressure washing all around the Lake Norman area, Including Huntersville, Mooresville, and Cornelius! Our comprehensive approach tackles every aspect, from exterior washing to interior detailing, enhancing both the appearance and longevity of your vehicles. Trust us to deliver outstanding results, making your fleet stand out on the road.
Keep your tennis courts and sports surfaces in top playing condition with our commercial soft washing . We specialize in removing moss, mildew, dirt, and stains that can accumulate over time, ensuring a clean and safe environment for athletes. Our thorough cleaning process enhances the appearance and performance of your courts, making them look brand new. Trust us to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and safety for all your sports surfaces around Mooresville, Huntersville and Cornelius
Maintain the dignity and appearance of cemetery headstones with commercial soft washing . We specialize in gently removing moss, lichen, dirt, and environmental buildup from grave stones, restoring their original beauty and legibility. Our careful cleaning process ensures that the headstones are treated with the utmost respect and care, preserving their historical and sentimental value. Trust us to help honor and remember your loved ones with pristine, well-maintained headstones. We offer this service in Huntersville, Mooresville, Cornelius and surrounding areas
Is your marina or dock in need of a refresh? We’re here to help! Our professional pressure washing services will remove algae, bird droppings, and other debris, making your docks and piers clean and safe. We understand the importance of maintaining a beautiful and welcoming environment for boaters and visitors. Let us take care of the dirty work so you can enjoy a pristine marina. Reach out today, and let’s make your marina shine!
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